
Key Statistics


Yearly Technical Degrees Awarded


Yearly Bachelor Degrees Awarded


Yearly Post-Grad Degrees Awarded


Workforce Graduated from high school

Major Educational Institutions

Weber State University

Weber State University is an educational leader, cultural center, and entertainment hub for the northern region. Whether you are gaining an education, cheering for national class sports teams, enjoying concerts and theatre productions, or engaging with renowned professors, there is something for everyone at Weber State University.

Weber State University website

Weber State
Enrollment Graduation Rate Programs/ Majors Program Categories Undergraduate Certificate PostGraduate Certificate Associate Bachelor Master Doctor
29,596 (28,685 undergraduate) 36% 176 27 306 54 3079 2700 294 12

Davis Technical College

Davis Technical College has been providing technical training and certificates since 1978. With programs in business, technology, construction, health, manufacturing, transportation, and more, the College has a program in nearly every area of study.

Davis Technical College website

Davis Tech
Enrollment Graduation Rate Programs/ Majors Program Categories <12 Week Certificate 12 Week to <1 Year Certificate 1 to <2 Year Certificate
3,814 (all undergraduate) 48% 35 9 542 375 521

Ogden-Weber Technical College

Ogden-Weber Technical College has been providing technical training and certificates since 1971. With over 300 technical-skills courses in 30 employment categories, the college serves many local students.

Ogden-Weber Technical College website

Ogden-Weber Tech
Enrollment Graduation Rate Programs/ Majors Program Categories <12 Week Certificate 12 Week to <1 Year Certificate 1 to <2 Year Certificate
2,583 (all undergraduate) 56% 30 8 297 243 405

Source: National Center for Education Statistics

Other Regional Universities

K-12 School Districts